Monday, April 25, 2011

book: The Stand

One of my favorite books by Stephen King. It was a story about good vs. evil after a devistating plague reduces the worlds population to about 5% of what it had been. The survivors are split into good and evil depending on who they dream about when they sleep. The evil people dream of the dark man and the good people dream of a kind old woman. They battle each other as they try to rebuild society. It is brillant, deep, heart-warming, scary, suspenseful, disturbing, and though-provoking. There were times when I had to put it down and leave my house to make sure that I wasn't the last person left on the planet. It is over 1000 pages but I finished it in less then a week. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a well-woven yarn.

                                                                                                      Product Details

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